Sensual Venus

She will not say the words, to express the way she feels, Caught within her head and heart, with harsh resolve of steel. The jaded mind that knows the risks; The heart that shields the day. Savor their time together... then tuck them all away. Forbidden, wrong and stolen, Three words all meaningless. To spend a moment sharing? Then call them truly blessed. The intimate may wither, The kisses soon may end, but take away the laughter, she'll grieve for you, my friend.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


A woman's pussy is beautiful,
When it's open like a flower.
It's insides shine with a lovely sheen,
It's prettier by the hour!

The pussy's pink and so succulent,
With the glow of it's pussy juice.
Lightly coating everything inside,
There's nothing about it obtuse!

It's sweet slickness is lingering there,
Waiting for a hot tongue and lips.
To lick and slurp and suck it all up,
And make it have orgasmic trips!

There's nothing nearly as beautiful,
As a pussy open to view.
It's Heaven sent and Divinely made,
And is waiting for me or you!!


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